Hotels Donetsk
Hotel Econom Donetsk Ukraine
cheapest hotel in Donetsk
Single room | 9usd | 220UAH |
Double room / double bed | 11usd | 290UAH |
Twin room / two single beds | 10usd | 260UAH |
Triple room | 14usd | 360UAH |
Rates include access to all furnishings and equipment in a room (air conditioning, cable television, telephone, Wi-Fi Internet access, additional heater during the winter) as well as drinking water, information and cleaning services. Bed linens are changed once every three days.
Additional services include tea / coffee delivered to the room, access
to kitchen, and supplying guests with various travel accessories (bath
robe, slippers, hair dryer, hair brush, iron, phone charger, cigarette
lighter, etc.) The list of additional services at our hotel is constantly
adjusted according to our guests’ feedback; detailed information as well
as pricing is provided by the front desk upon request.
All services at Donetsk
Hotel Econom require a 100% upfront payment.
Payments can be made:
1) at the hotel by cash or charge card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro), or
2) prior to arrival by a bank transfer.